Margaret Jarek


mjarek Monday November 5, 2018

September 512
The circle of the seasons has brought us once more into the golden month of September. This is the month of ripening fruit, of a cornucopia of earth bounty. It is a time when wayside stands and farmer’s markets are top heavy with the earths harvest.

In years gone by kitchens were filled with the scents of produce being preserved in preparation for the barren winter months that lay just around the corner.

Fewer and fewer people have the time for such time consuming labor. And why would they when the supermarket is just around the corner?

And yet we deprive ourselves a deeply satisfying sense of accomplishment when we loose a connection to the source of our sustenance.

I have never been one to spend much time in the kitchen but I have the greatest admiration fo folks that do so. Instead my garden is a luxurious tangle of flowers that rival the rainbow for color and now in September and because we've had ample rainfall this year its an oasis of vivid green shot through with a kings ransom in gold thanks to towering stands of golden Jeruselem artichokes and Black eyed susans.

Even the roses have come into a second bloom that rivals their June performance.

I’ve always thought of myself as a kind of September person maybe because I was born in this month. Mellow is a good way to be.

The spirit of beauty out does itself in the golden profusion of September.

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