Margaret Jarek


mjarek Saturday June 2, 2018

Create 512
In my more meditative moments I've come to the conclusion that we, as humans, have been given a mandate from the source of all that is to be creators and active participants in the unfolding story of creation.

Creator Spirit has brought into existence the universe in all of its intricate and mysterious splendor. But then we have been invited to paint our own self portrait on the vast canvas that is reality.

By word and deed, by thought and creativity, bit by bit, we add the indelible ink of our own mystery to the even greater mystery which is creation itself.

We do so at times by choice and other times without being conscious of what it is we do.

But no human has ever existed or ever will exist that in some way failed to contribute to that on going story.

Some take this opportunity to manifest by word or deed something that enhances the fabric of life while others chose to create violence, discord and destruction. There is no action that is neutral. One way or another we are contributing to the story.

To practice compassion and reverence and gratitude is to make of our lives a master piece of beauty. A life lived in such a manner makes artists of us all.

No one else can create what we as individuals create. Each life lived can be an original work or art. Spin, paint, weave or sculp the substance of your life into a thing of enduring beauty that will bless the whole world.

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